Why have a Rescue Earth System (rescue.earth)

The Rescue Earth System has been purposely designed to facilitate the seamless integration of the Regenerative Design Framework with an unlimited number of Rescue Earth projects, volunteers and funding. The Rescue Earth System is both ecocentric and sociocentric — it is a movement that is designed to help people and the planet.

For long-term Climate Change mitigation, the Rescue Earth System is a platform that promotes the kg-by-kg reduction in Green House Gases, which we believe can be achieved by fixing the following underlying ecosystem issues, (1) through regenerative restoration solutions that are primarily focused on cooling the planet through the rehydration of landscapes, and (2) the sequestration of CO2e from the atmosphere through ecosystem restoration and regenerative farming systems.

The more immediate outcomes are more nutritious food, more balanced weather, restored ecosystems, restored rainfall patterns, rehydrated landscapes, less flooding but more water, less pollution, cleaner air, water, etc. and so much more. The more long-term outcomes are that we get to regeneratively restore the Earth System and harmonise our relationship with Earth. The syntropy of billions of actions by billions of people will undoubtedly result in resurgent natural systems, and this has the potential to rapidly Rescue Earth from ecosystem collapse.

From the organisational point of view, the Rescue Earth System is the regenerative restoration interface of the Regenerative Earth Initiative — it is where the action is — where the multidisciplinary theories (drivers) of ecosystem restoration, climate change, carbon sequestration, public policy, the social benefits of change, etc. are put into action, evaluated and refined.

And, when viewed through the lens of society, the Rescue Earth System is a global “call to action” to join the volunteer corps and to Rescue Earth from ecosystem collapse. The easy to remember (& spell) rescue.earth domain is the designated point of contact for volunteers, patrons, donors, businesses, etc. who are helping to Rescue Earth. All transactions — financial & volunteer time — are securely logged here in the Rescue Earth Sustainability Credit Exchange.

In other words. The focus of the Rescue Earth System is more about ecosystem restoration, the rehydration of landscapes, and the efficient production of nutritious food than climate change. The reason is simple. If we regeneratively restore the soil fertility of pastures and agricultural land by increasing hydration and soil organic matter, and increase living biomass by restoring ecosystems, we sequestrate carbon and reduce CO2e in the atmosphere — and we stabilise weather — resulting in more consistent rain with less flooding, etc.

This win-win approach reduces the pressure on natural ecosystems by increasing the productivity of existing agricultural land. Further benefits other than more nutritious food; is cleaner water, less flooding, better health from better food, more energy, and better housing and infrastructure and a more resilient community.

“Regenerative agriculture provides answers to the soil crisis, the food crisis, the climate crisis and the crisis of democracy.” — Dr Vandana Shiva

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